Friday, August 22, 2008

Stand By My Man

A short bit of family promotion here: my darling husband Glenn will be presenting some of his amazing photos at Sea and Sage Audubon's monthly meeting, coming up on September 19. Full details are on the front page of this month's Wandering Tattler.

(...Which is, of course, THE best possible name for a Audubon chapter newsletter--I pity future chapters who might have their choices reduced to "The Mourning Dove" or "The Brown Booby".)

Other OC photo gurus who will be presenting are Jim Gallagher and Steve Metildi—so Glenn will be in deservedly prestigious company.

If you're in the area, do go, enjoy the show, and show him your support. Because I'm out here in the swamp and I can't. :< (.

1 comment:

cynthia said...

hey felicia---

it's cynthia-- i was just thinking about you so i went to google earth and typed in gainesville, fla. then i clicked on weather.... and you are like right in the eye of the storm.... i know you're ok though cuz you're a pretty smart chick (hee hee).
please email me when you have a chance--- i read your msg about glenn and i had an idea for you 2--

anyway--- stay dry.....
